
Dermaroller Twist

The fastest and most comfortable microneedling experience.
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Pourquoi choisir TWIST ?

Designed with clients and practitioners in mind, Twist is the ultimate microneedling device for optimal results, comfort, and safety.

Active Needle Retrieval (ANR)™ Technology

TWIST est le seul système de microneedling qui utilise son moteur pour retirer activement les aiguilles de la peau, garantissant ainsi un confort et une précision maximum à chaque longueur d'aiguille.

Silktouch™ Needling

Réduit considérablement le temps que les aiguilles passent dans la peau, minimisant ainsi les innervations nerveuses et l'inconfort.

Safest Device 
on The Market

Des valves anti-reflux à l'intérieur de chaque cartouche d'aiguilles, une commande au pied et des protocoles de désinfection améliorés éliminent le risque de contamination croisée et garantissent des traitements parfaitement sûrs.

0-2.5mm Active 
Needle Hub

Longueur d'aiguille active de 0 à 2,5 mm réglable dans la pièce à main. Chaque cartouche d'aiguilles comporte 6 aiguilles précisément rectifiées, en acier inoxydable de qualité chirurgicale. Stériles et à usage unique.

Certified Medical-
Grade Equipment

Le TWIST est certifié ISO 13485 et MDSAP, porte le marquage CE et est homologué par Santé Canada en tant que dispositif médical de classe II. Il répond aux normes les plus strictes en matière de fabrication, de matériaux, de stérilité des produits et plus encore.

Consistent Power Performance

As opposed to battery-operated devices, the TWIST is connected directly to the power grid, ensuring consistent power output and maximum performance at every step of the treatment.

Most Powerful Motor 
on The Planet

At 150 strokes per second, the TWIST delivers optimal results and eliminates reckless tearing of the skin imposed by slower devices. Even at its highest stroke frequency the needles can safely treat the toughest scars on any part of the body with ease and reduce pain and stress trauma for your patient to a minimum.

Ergonomic Design

A one-of-a-kind ergonomic and balanced
handpiece for higher treatment accuracy and fatigue-free operation. The motor is designed and positioned to reduce vibrations. The center of gravity is located in direct proximity to the middle of your palm, so whilst performing the treatment your hand and the device remain stable and comfortable.

Highest Quality 

Conçue pour un traitement précis, chaque cartouche TWIST est conçue pour contenir le nombre optimal d'aiguilles afin d'éviter tout traumatisme de la peau. Fabriquées en acier inoxydable de qualité chirurgicale de la plus haute qualité, les aiguilles subissent 7 étapes de production différentes pour garantir une symétrie à 360°.

Exceptional Results,

Minimal Downtime

1 30
  • Decollete rejuvenation

  • Burn scars & erythema

  • Pigment Correction

  • Acne Scars

  • Forehead Lines

  • Wrinkles & Texture

  • Acne Scars

  • Wrinkles & Laxity

  • Perioral Lines

  • Dommages causés par le soleil

  • Texture & Tone

  • Acne Scars

  • Marques d'allongement

  • Melasma

  • Acne Spots & Scars

  • Spots & Scars

  • Sun Spots

  • Acne Spots & Scars

  • Spots & Scars

  • Spots & Scars

  • Hair Growth

  • Hair Growth

  • Hair Growth

  • Hair Growth

  • Hair Growth

  • Hair Growth

  • Hair Growth

  • Hair Growth

  • Hair Growth

  • Hair Growth

  • 6 weeks after 1 treatment

  • Après 1 traitement

  • After 2 treatments

  • 6 weeks after 1st treatment

  • 6 weeks after 1st treatment

  • 6 weeks after 2 treatments

  • After 3 treatments

  • After 3 treatments

  • After 2 treatments

  • 6 weeks after 1st treatment

  • After 2 treatments

  • Après 4 traitements

  • After 2 treatments

  • 6 weeks after 1st treatment

  • Après 4 traitements

  • Après 1 traitement

  • 2 months after treatment

  • Après 4 traitements

  • Après 1 traitement

  • Après 4 traitements

  • 36 year old male, after 5 treatments

  • 46 year old male, 4 weeks after 1st treatment

  • After 6 treatments

  • After 6 treatments

  • After 6 treatments

  • 43 year old male, after 5 treatments

  • 50 year old female, after 8 treatments

  • 34 year old male, 4 weeks after 8 treatments

  • 66 year old female, after 3 treatments

  • 27 year old female, after 2 treatments

Courtesy of Advanced Cosmetics Clinic, Winnipeg, MB
Courtesy of Dr. Igor Safonov, Kiev
Courtesy of Fayez Spa, London ON
Dermaroller® in-house Collection
Courtesy of Gina’s Total Beauty, Hamilton ON
Courtesy of Dr. Holly Fennell Toronto
Courtesy of Ottawa MediSpa
Dermaroller® in-house Collection
New Dawn Skin Health, Qualicum Beach, BC
Dermaroller® in-house Collection
Dermaroller® in-house Collection
Courtesy of NuYu Vitality, Aurora, ON
Dermaroller® in-house collection
Dr. Igor Safonov, Kiev
Dermaroller® in-house Collection
Dermaroller® in-house Collection
Dermaroller® in-house Collection
Dermaroller® in-house Collection
DermaSpark In-house Collection
DermaSpark In-house Collection
DermaSpark In-house Collection
DermaSpark in-house Collection
DermaSpark in-house Collection
SKYNN Beauty Bar, Port Moody, BC
Palms Day Spa, Richmond, BC
Desert Divas & Dons MediSpa, Merritt, BC
Divine & Free MediSpa, St. Albert, AB
Nakota MediSpa, Ottawa, ON
Request a Quote


Treatment Protocols

3 Exclusive Dermaroller® Treatment Protocols with Specialized Active Ingredients

Anti-Aging, Rejuvenation,
& Scar Treatment

Key Conditions Treated:

  • Rides et ridules
  • Acne scars & stretch marks
  • Loss of volume & laxity
  • Dry & dull skin  

Fine lines 
& wrinkles

Acne scars & stretch marks

Loss of volume 
& laxity

Dry & dull skin 

Targeted Pigment Correction Treatments

Key Conditions Treated:
  • Melasma
  • Sun/Age spots
  • Hyperpigmentation post-inflammatoire
  • Uneven skin tone 


Sun/Age Spots 

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

Teinte de la peau inégale

Hair & Scalp Treatment

Key Conditions Treated:
  • Male-pattern baldness
  • Female pattern baldness
  • Stress-induced hair loss (Telogen effluvium)
  • Patchy baldness (Alopecia areata) 

Female Pattern Baldness

Male Pattern

Stress-induced hair loss

Patchy Baldness

Revitalize Every Skin Type

Le microneedling est une solution cliniquement prouvée pour un large éventail de problèmes de peau dans TOUS les types de peau, notamment :

Fine lines and Wrinkles
Marques d'allongement
Cicatrices de brûlures
Sagging Skin
Skin Discolouration
Cicatrices d'acné
Perte de volume de la peau
Enlarged Pores
Perte de cheveux
Atrophic scars

How Twist Microneedling Works

The TWIST needles the skin at an extraordinary rate of 150 strokes per second, creating numerous controlled micro-channels in the targeted layers that trigger the skin’s non-emergency wound healing process. Dormant fibroblasts become active and multiply, increasing the production of new collagen and elastin fibers without causing any scarring. As a result, the skin appears smoother, tighter, and more even in tone. Scars and wrinkles are minimized, and skin cells remain healthy and active long after treatment.


During treatment, surgical-grade, non-traumatic microneedles perforate the skin rapidly and precisely, creating on average more than a million micro-channels per treatment that stimulate the natural
non-emergency healing response of the skin.


Corrective Healing

Controlled damage instructs the skin to heal slowly and correctively. Activated Fibroblasts proliferate in the area to Fill the wounds with new deposits of collagen & elastin without developing any scars. At the same time, the micro channels are drenched with corrective hydrating ingredients that expedite healing and improve end results.


Healthier and 
Better-Looking Skin

After healing, the affected skin is completely renewed with improved structure, firmness and elasticity. Cellular Functions are restored and skin cells are reset to their healthy mode of operation, leaving your clients with healthier and better looking skin.

Practictioner’s Outlook

"...traiter simultanément toutes les couches du derme."

"Atteindre des résultats supérieurs en matière de rajeunissement du visage est de la plus haute importance pour moi et mes patients. Les technologies TripleRF™ m'ont impressionné plus que tout autre traitement non invasif que j'ai vu jusqu'à présent. Elles me permet de traiter simultanément toutes les couches du derme. Les patients que j'ai traités ont obtenu de merveilleux résultats immédiats et durables et ont été agréablement surpris par la rapidité et l'absence de douleur du traitement."
Jonathan Yu, M.D.
Manille Philippines

"Des résultats remarquables

"J'ai utilisé presque toutes les autres technologies non invasives disponibles, et lorsqu'il s'agit de la satisfaction des patients, RF TriPollar est supérieur. Mes patients obtiennent des résultats remarquables dès le premier traitement, sans aucune douleur."
Dr. Ronald l. Moy
Beverly Hills, Californie

"Une nouvelle technologie !

"La nouvelle technologie VoluDerm RF Microneedling est un traitement sûr et efficace pour les rides, le resserrement de la peau, la volumisation, l'amélioration de la texture et l'amélioration de l'aspect naturel de la peau dans les zones du visage et du cou, sans douleur, avec une cicatrisation minimale et rapide.
Dr. Steve Shapiro
Palm Beach Gardens, Floride

"Mes clients l'adorent !

"Je suis très satisfaite de la technologie TripleRF qui me permet de traiter toutes les couches de la peau simultanément. Cela me permet d'obtenir d'excellents résultats immédiats et durables en seulement quelques traitements. L'effet tenseur est visible dès le premier L'effet tenseur est visible dès le premier traitement et l'effet "lifting" peut être obtenu après 4 à 6 traitements. Mes clients l'adorent et je suis très satisfaite des résultats.
Ghislane Beilin, M.D.
Paris, France

L'expérience la plus confortable du microneedling

TWIST is the only microneedling system on the market equipped with two revolutionary technologies that are engineered to protect the skin and provide optimal comfort with exceptional results.

Active Needle Retrieval
(ANR)™ Technology

TWIST is the only microneedling system on the market equipped with Active Needle Retrieval (ANR) Technology, meaning the motor behind the needles not only pushes them into the skin, but actively pulls them out (as opposed to all other microneedling devices that use passive, spring-based retrieval). In practice, ANR means:

  1. Une gêne minime pendant les traitements ; de nombreux clients signalent que même la crème anesthésiante n'est pas nécessaire !
  2. Des micro-canaux beaucoup plus précis dans la peau
  3. Pas d'arrachage de la peau ni d'aiguilles qui se coincent dans la peau, même pour traiter des cicatrices de brûlures épaisses.

Silktouch™ Needling Technology

La technologie TWIST SilkTouch™ Needling minimise le temps que les aiguilles passent à l'intérieur de la peau, et minimise donc les stimulations nerveuses sensorielles. Il en résulte la thérapie de microneedling la plus confortable du marché.

  1. Un confort accru
  2. Reduced risk of side effects
  3. Une guérison plus rapide

Precision Medical-Grade Needles

TWIST is equipped with Dermaroller®’s precision-engineered, medical-grade microneedles designed for gentleness and efficacy. Unlike traditional knife-shaped needles that cut through tissue, our advanced non-traumatic cone-shaped needles gently part the skin, minimizing collateral damage and allowing micro-wounds to heal rapidly. This sophisticated approach not only ensures a swift recovery and reduced risk of contamination but also facilitates a more comfortable treatment experience.

Dermaroller’s true non-traumatic needle Vs. Inferior quality competitor needles. Every Dermaroller needle is made in a meticulous 7-step production process to ensure a perfect 360º symmetry for maximum precision and durability.

Kits de traitement professionnels

TWIST is the only microneedling system on the market equipped with two revolutionary technologies that are engineered to protect the skin and provide optimal comfort with exceptional results.

CIT Hyal

Classic Collagen Induction Therapy with concentrated Hyaluronic Acid gel. IDEAL FOR:

  • Cicatrices
  • Marques d'allongement
  • Rides
  • Texture
Learn More
CIT Hyal
Hair & Scalp

Hair & Scalp

A powerful combined in-clinic/at home treatment for improving hair structure. IDEAL FOR:

  • Alopécie androgénétique (calvitie masculine/féminine)
  • Alopecia Areata (calvitie par plaques)
  • Effluvium télogène (chute de cheveux due au stress)
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Pigment Correction

A powerful combined in-clinic & at-home Pigment Correction protocol.

  • Teinte de la peau inégale
  • Melasma
  • Lentigines (taches solaires)
  • Hyperpigmentation post-inflammatoire (HPI)
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CIT Hyal

The CIT Hyal kit is designed for safe collagen induction treatments targeting fine lines & wrinkles, scars, texture, pores, and stretch marks.
The kit includes 5 tubes (10ml each) of concentrated HMW hyaluronic acid and a hint of glycerin. The CIT Hyal gel is applied during treatment to keep the skin well-hydrated, reduce discomfort and irritation, and promote more effective recovery.
After treatment, the practitioner applies Dermaroller®’s Hyaluronic Acid mask to further increase skin hydration, reduce redness, and promote healing.

Treatment protocol:

3-5 treatments, spaced 6 weeks apart. Numbing with 5% lidocaine is optional for sensitive clients, but many people can do the treatment without numbing. Pinpoint bleeding and redness are expected. The skin normally recovers within 24-48 hours.

Hair & Scalp

The Hair & Scalp treatment kit provides a clinically proven solution to the most common types of hair loss, including Male/Female pattern baldness, stress-induced hair loss, and alopecia Areata.
The kit includes 4 Hair Repair ampules, 4 Skin Rejuvenation Vitamin ampules, and one Hair Lotion (70ml) for home use.
The ampules (5ml each) are applied to the affected area during/immediately after treatment and are used alternately during the protocol. The Hair Repair ampules contain natural DHT blockers and circulation enhancing agents such as Saw Palmetto berry extract, Ginseng extract, Copper peptides, Caffeine, and Azelaic acid. The Skin Rejuvenation Vitamin ampules contain nourishing ingredients that support healthy hair growth, including biotin, B-vitamin complex, amino acids, vitamin C, Sage & Rosmary oil extracts, and more.
Hair & Scalp is a short needle treatment, meaning the length of the needle does not exceed 0.5mm and numbing is nor necessary.

Treatment protocol:

In-clinic: 8 bi-weekly treatments, alternating between Hair Repair & Skin Rejuvenation Vitamin ampules. Needle length does not exceed 0.5 mm and no numbing is required.
At home: client should apply a few drops of the Hair Lotion every night on clean & dry scalp and massage the product until fully absorbed. It is recommended to use Dermaroller Home-Care roller prior to product application to increase absorption and promote micro-circulation.

Pigment Correction

The Pigment Correction treatment kit is designed to alleviate the signs of common pigmentation conditions, including melasma, sunspots, age spots, post-acne spots, and uneven skin tone.
Thanks to the non-ablative and non-thermal nature of the treatment, it can be done on any skin tone and is also safe for melasma patients.
The kit includes 7 High Light Serum ampules (2ml each) for clinic use and one Bright Skin Lotion (50 ml) for home use.
The ampules are applied to the affected area during/immediately after treatment. They contain a complex of antioxidants and brightening ingredients that inhibit melanin synthesis, promote cell renewal, and reduce skin damage caused by oxidative stress.
The treatment uses powerful brightening ingredients such as Niacinamide, Salicylic and Mandelic acids, Licorice root extract, Indian gooseberry extract, and White mulberry root extract, all working synergistically to target the root cause of hyperpigmentation and providing a comprehensive solution most common pigmentary condition.

Treatment protocol:

In-clinic: 7 treatments spaced 3-4 weeks apart. Pigment Correction is a short needle treatment, meaning the length of the needle does not exceed 0.5mm and numbing is nor necessary.
At home: client should apply the Bright Skin Lotion in the morning on clean dry skin, followed by sunscreen (SPF>30). The Bright Skin Lotion can be used as a foundation and combined with other products.

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